Teaming up with Hue’s 3-D artists where AR (Augmented Reality) takes a front seat, Lehmann Maupin’s latest NFT project showcases AR artworks sending collectors and gallery visitors on a tour through westside Manhattan.
View Lehmann Maupin Viewing Room
Starting at the gallery’s 24th Street location in New York, visitors are lead on an AR journey activated by QR codes posted on the facade adjacent to the gallery entrance.
Click here for Google Map Tour
The New York Highline ( is the 2nd location where art hunters can view Ashley Bickerton’s AR artwork through any mobile device in app-less fashion using only your browser and camera.
Displaying on the elevated park is a unique 3-D version of the artist’s resin and stainless steel work suspended by climber’s ropes and carabiners hoisted to the buildings surrounding The Highline.
What would ordinarily be physically impossible, given the location and materials, the public can view the works by simply scanning a QR code which then opens their browser, regardless of device (iOS and Android) and without downloading an app.
Walking south and exiting toward Little Island between 13th and 14th Street is the 3rd location of Lehmann Maupin’s AR tour. (
Enter into Little Island proceeding to its boundaries you’ll discover, set over the Hudson River, Ashley Bickerton’s 3rd AR installation viewable atop the amphitheater.
(Actual AR screenshot from iPad)
Needless to say, installing such a massive floating sculpture on the Hudson River comes with a string of complexities one would avoid, however HUE.LIVE makes this augmented reality experience possible.
At Hue Network, Inc. we not only pursue the visual replication by conversion of physical artworks in the real-world into 3-D augmented reality, but we strive to push the limits of technologies in order to provide new experiences for artists and their collectors.
For the sale of the NFTs, Lehmann Maupin partnered with Nifty Gateway owned by Gemini’s Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss, which can be viewed here.
HUE.LIVE is a platform not only for artwork display via AR, but a powerful Sales Tools for Art Galleries and Advisories.
If you’d like to learn more about how to utilize the power of AR for your art business practice, please email [email protected] and ask for a demonstration.
Looking to increase Art Sales?
Get in touch with our Sales Team on how-to- use AR and the HUE.LIVE platform to streamline your sales process.
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